Trustee Area #3

District 3:

Beginning at the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad and Kiernan Ave; thence proceeding westerly along Kiernan Ave to Zinfandel Ave; thence proceeding southerly along Zinfandel Ave to Horace; thence proceeding westerly along Horace to Alyssa Ave; thence proceeding northerly along Alyssa Ave to Creekpaum Dr; thence proceeding westerly along Creekpaum Dr to Nan Ln; thence proceeding southerly along Nan Ln to Jeppson Dr; thence proceeding westerly along Jeppson Dr to Toomes Rd; thence proceeding southerly along Toomes Rd to San Tropez Dr; thence proceeding northeasterly along San Tropez Dr to Overland Place; thence proceeding northerly along Overland Place to Covert Rd; thence proceeding easterly along Covert Rd to Finney Rd; thence proceeding southerly along Finney Rd to the Mid Lateral Canal Number 6; thence proceeding northeasterly along the Canal to the Union Pacific Railroad; thence proceeding northwesterly along the Railroad to the point of beginning.

Trustee Area #3